by | Nov 9, 2017 | Our thinking
The questions Think about your reaction to these questions: How good a driver are you? How attractive do you think you are? How creative? And how intelligent? We can call these evaluative questions in that they invite you to evaluate yourself against some standard,...
by | Sep 22, 2017 | Our thinking
Brimming with Self-belief, driven by their appetite to achieve, optimistic about themselves and the future, resilient in the face of set-backs, and willing to persevere, to keep a grip until the ends are achieved. This is the Executional leader. Think of Isambard...
by | Jul 22, 2015 | The thinker
Eat your pancakes, then plan your resolution. Why Lent has all the psychological ingredients for success. If you want to successfully make a change in your life then try it over the next 40 days. Give up just one thing. To succeed at making a change we need focus. As...
by | Jan 22, 2015 | The thinker
All too often we set ourselves goals about the changes we wish to make, which we don’t stick to, regardless of how strong our initial desire to make the change is. Why is this the case? What is it that gets in the way of us achieving the goals we set ourselves? Here...